FX Generator

Which of these two graphs would you prefer in your investment portfolio?

Chris Arnold (FXGL1) is my actual FOREX trading account over the course of 1 year with my “prior” trader.  While this chart shows a 9.47% lose over the year, it’s actually a bit worse.  I switched to The FX Generator in the last month of this particular chart (notice the immediate uptick).

The FX Generator (m) is the actual account data of my new trader.  Note that the 104.85% return is over 6 months as of August 2017.  I encourage you to click here to review the latest performance data.  Yes, friends, this is actual data and there isn’t a catch.

So, what is FOREX and The FX Generator?  I’m not even going to attempt to explain; you’ll have to go directly to the FX Generator website to learn more.

What I will share is that I know the guy behind the scenes doing the trading pretty well.  He’s my college roommate and a brother in Christ.  He has a heart to bless others with the financial success he’s had over the years and I, too, desire to bless others by sharing the opportunity.

I’d be happy to share more firsthand; however, the best way to learn is to hear directly from The FX Generator.  Every Monday 9:30 pm Eastern Time, The FX Generator holds a video conference for those desiring to learn more.  You’re welcome to attend via www.zoom.us/j/9119569546.  Once you’ve attended this meeting, the sign-up process is pretty straight forward and don’t forget to tell them Chris sent you.

If I can help, please fill out the Complimentary CONFIDENTIAL ANALYSIS form and I’ll touch base with you shortly.  Hope to see you trading soon!


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