Team Alignment

Great leaders and their teams understand in order to continue to elevate performance you must have “team alignment” which often takes a “coach” to facilitate.  My High Performance Coaching process has been a catalyst to numerous leaders and their teams.  While I bring a structured process, coaching is always tailored to the individual client needs.  My High Performance Coaching approach normally consists of an assessment, leader coaching, team meetings, and follow-up coaching.  More specifically, it likely includes the following:

– Assessment

I meet directly with each member of your team to complete a structured assessment of goals, opportunities, and team culture.  A key part of this entire process is getting the team truly conscious and grounded in their current level of performance of which a “depersonalized” assessment is the foundation.

– Organizational/Team Leader Coaching

I work directly with the key decision maker of the team to identify breakthrough opportunities and continue to develop key leadership characteristics.

– Team Alignment Offsite

This offsite accelerates breakthroughs for your team’s most difficult challenges, introduces a context for high-performance, and elevates teamwork and communication.   During this catalytic offsite, team’s will acknowledge which stage of high performance they are currently performing and commit to elevating.  Additionally, they will walk away in agreement of team vision and focus.

– Follow-up Coaching

I provide select team members one-on-one coaching to monitor performance toward goals and continue to develop leadership capabilities.  Additionally, frequently, there are needs for conflict resolution within teams that I readily engage and guide.

– Strategic Team Meetings

I continue to stay engaged with your team for strategic team meetings to monitor performance, cultural transformation, and offer 3rd party non-biased input toward you organization.

– Consulting Services

With my sitting across the table from multiple leaders throughout the month, I’m exposed to a wide variety of issues.  With this experience, I’m able to readily speak into your organization with value added input and ideas for improvement.

While feedback varies from this process, most client provide the following:

“Chris, you really helped us to open up and talk having some of the conversations we should have been having a long time ago.  And, you really got us focused on where we’re headed all pulling together on the same rope.”

Patrick Lencioni, a true pioneer in leadership and business as well as best selling author of The Advantage, Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and many more organizational health resources, provides a foundation for my approach.  To learn more, I encourage you to fill out the form at the right as well as read a few of my articles under the Team Alignment category in my blog.


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