Career Coaching


7-Step Career Path Process

The 7-Step Career Path Process (CPP) is a scientific systematic program to help you find a career and job that you will love! Traditional methods often fail because we choose a job for the wrong reason. It could simply be convenience or economic necessity. In other situations we choose a profession when we were not mentally prepared. Many of us selected a job or major area of study as a teenager just out of school. Others selected a job immediately after being laid-off or downsized. In either of these situations we were under extreme emotional stress.

The Process

CPP uses a combination of scientifically validated psychometric assessments to determine your preferences, strengths, satisfiers, motivators, and skills. We then match all of these variables to a career that reinforces these natural desires. Simple? Yes. Logical? Yes. But we do need to follow the CPP to get the proper result.

The 7 Steps

Step 1 – Relating to the world
Step 2 – Career and Life Satisfiers
Step 3 – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Core Motivators
Step 4 – Skills Determination and Analysis
Step 5 – Align and Apply
Step 6 – Possible Careers
Step 7 – Action Plan Nothing is complete until you take action.

As an example of one of the many tools we utilize please view our Life Path & Career Path Assessment.  I am certified as a career coach by The Organization for Entrepreneurial Development (OED).

“Chris Arnold administers a well-designed process of deriving the needs, wants, and ideal career choice for his client. He is a man of integrity and will stick with the client until he or she is satisfied. I highly recommend Chris and his innovative career coaching process.”  — Craig Edlin, Executive Career Coaching Client

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