Retreats Posts

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Why I Cherish My Monthly Retreats: A Decade of Reflection

This past week was my monthly retreat. For more than a decade, I’ve been taking the 1st Friday of each month as a retreat day. Over the years, I’ve come to cherish this time. Some of you may have... Read More »

Is there significance in “656”?

As I woke this morning and stepped out on the patio to look at the sunrise, I began to focus on “transitions”.  Beyond the beauty of the sunrise, it represents a transition from night to day or dark to... Read More »

Join me and to get away from all the distractions!

  Today was Spiritual Retreat Day! It was a joy to have wonderful weather and return to one of my favorite spots at Eagle Creek Park. This was my first visit this season, and I was pleasantly surprised. As... Read More »

Did God send me an angel?

  This past week, I had the tremendous opportunity to spend the week in Sanibel, FL.  With vacations being such a big part of our family heritage, it’s always something we enjoy. This one was a bittersweet vacation as... Read More »

“Zeal for your house will consume me!”

Back in the first of October 2013, in my post, “What do God and Almond Joy have to do with one another?”, I told the story of an extremely powerful experience I had with God.  You’d have to re-read... Read More »

Wisdom is supreme!

Well, I just completed my spiritual retreat day yesterday. While I can’t say that there were any “burning bush” moments, the fire may have been lit and I just wasn’t experiencing it at the time. One of the things... Read More »

Hearing Jesus’ Distinct Recognizable Voice

Recently, I had the opportunity to read Jim Samra’s book, “God told me: who to marry, where to work, which car to buy and I’m pretty sure I’m not crazy – learning to listen for guidance from God.” As... Read More »

Financial “Insecurity”

While not for all, one of the greatest challenge most face in life centers around a need for financial security. God talks about money in the Bible more than any other topic for good reason. While there are varying... Read More »

Barriers to “moving on”!

Yesterday was my spiritual retreat day. As I woke in the morning, it was cloudy and cold; however, I found myself wanting to make a trip to my favorite spot at the park. While I’ve been visiting this park... Read More »

What do God and Almond Joy have to do with one another?

Yesterday was my monthly retreat day. For the majority of the past year, I’ve been taking the first Friday to get away with my Bible, a notepad, and seek God’s voice. Some of these days have been particularly fruitful,... Read More »
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