Jumping from the High Board by Greg Rohler
I received this article from Greg Rohler, a member of one of my advisory boards, through his monthly newsletter. While multiple things caught my attention, one of the reasons I wanted to pass it along is it represents Greg’s firsthand experience of one of our advisory boards. Clearly a breakthrough moment for Greg and we greatly appreciate his commitment and contribution to our group. ENJOY!!
Jumping from the High Board by Greg Rohler
While I’m not really afraid of heights, I’ve never found it easy to jump from the high dive. It never looks as high from the ground as it does when you’re standing on the board far above the water. As best as I can recall, I’ve never actually climbed up on a high dive and then climbed back down again, though I’ve considered it.
In many ways, the entrepreneurial life is like that high dive. I’ve seen it with clients, and I’ve experienced it myself. The downside may be minimal, and yet there is a fear that causes us to halt or even flee. Sometimes it causes procrastination, other times self–sabotaging behavior. One entrepreneur I know expresses fear by obsessing over comparatively small expenses in order to regain control. In a crisis, another avoids critical activities that could actually turn the situation around as his anxiety mounts. For my part, I find it easy to avoid unfamiliar new activities with great opportunity by fiddling with trivial matters. Let me check email or update the checkbook.
The fact is, uncertainty is an integral part of the entrepreneurial life. Incomplete information and the ambiguity that represents may contribute to anxiety or sometimes fear. Part of the problem is what some people call “head trash” or the negative little voices in your mind that tell you why you can’t do something. “What makes you think you can do this? Aren’t you the person who_______?“ (Fill in the blank with the preferred failure or shortcoming you regularly use to beat yourself up.)
How Do I get Unstuck?
For some reason, my most creative efforts were crippled this past month with self doubt. I was stuck and not moving forward on an important priority. Each month I meet with a group of other business owners I call my ‘Board of Advisors.’ We met recently and I shared my struggle with them. They challenged me. One asked directly, “What’s the downside?” – knowing that there really wasn’t any. This group is faith-based, so another asked, “Are you looking at yourself and your limitations or at God and His power?” Another probed, “Are you focused on your efforts or on the outcome you can’t control?” Others made helpful suggestions and the leader finally closed, “What specific action are you going to commit to doing and by when? “ I thought and then announced my intention to the group with a deadline. Over the next couple of days I pondered what they said to me and began to feel more like
myself again.
What about you? When you feel stuck and can’t seem to get moving, what is your plan? Who do you turn to for a shove off the high dive? If you don’t have such a group, I highly recommend you find one. [GR]
You can find Greg’s entire newsletter from this month by going to SMALL BIZ NOTES GR 5-1-15.
Greg Rohler, an independent accountant and advisor, is the editor and publisher of Small Biz Notes for his clients and interested small business owners. Rohler, who has worked as a voice-over announcer in hundreds of radio and TV commercials for more than 25 years, is also sometimes called the Right Brain Accountant. He uses his holistic insights to help business owners simplify their work and save time by finding and focusing on the most productive 20% of their business. To request a complimentary subscription to Small Biz Notes or contact Greg Rohler send an email to accounting@elkfoot.com.
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