“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” Online Assessment

Is your team dysfunctional?  How do you know? Did you know that we offer a simply online assessment such that leaders and their teams “know” their current situation?

Yes, for a small nominal fee, we offer an online assessment and debrief.  The assessment tool we utilize is Patrick Lencioni’s, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, online assessment which team’s all around the world are utilizing and finding great value.  Lencioni states:

“The Online Team Assessment provides a tangible, measurement tool for the Five Dysfunctions of a Team model. The Team Assessment report offers customized data outlining a team’s strengths and weaknesses, recommendations for overcoming potential dysfunction and specific instructions for debriefing the results.

Since 2004, approximately 50,000 individuals have gone through our Assessment. A variety of teams—from Fortune 500 executive teams, to NFL coaching staffs, to school principals and their teachers—have used and benefited from the Assessment. With only 38 questions, this tool provides a quick, effective snap-shot for team performance. “

Click here to see a  Sample Team Assessment Report .

For your reference, fees are dependent on the size of the team.  Typically, individual assessments, a summary report, and debrief with your organizations main contact is completed for $1499.  A small investment in your team to “know” the true health of your team. For more details, please contact us.

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