The Productivity Loop
Recently, I have had the opportunity to read Chris Brady’s book, RASCAL. In this book, Brady defines key characteristics of a Rascal Leader and even has a self-assessment for testing your “rascalinity”. Brady’s humor and passion clearly make this book an easy read and his heart for freedom is readily apparent.
In particular, one of the things that I related with this book and wanted to pass along to you is “The Battle Plan – The Productive Loop.”
As you will likely recall, Arnold Business Advisors LLC mission is aiding businesses and individuals in truly defining what “success” looks like and building strategies to achieve this “success”. Substituting the word “success” for “dream” in the loop, we offer the following.
Brady states: “Rascals start out ignorant like everyone else. They simply don’t know what they don’t know about a certain subject, and they may not even realize they are Rascals. But then new information finds its way into their consciousness, either through a good book, a friend, a life experience, or whatever. The new information suggests a path toward accomplishment, a route of opportunity, an idea to be tried.” Or, in our terms a “picture of what ‘success look’s like'”. From this, the process begins.
Whether it’s someone looking to find a new career, start a business, partner with a new business, increase sales, work through a difficult relationship, raise their leadership capabilities, increase team effectiveness, or many other circumstances, individuals become aware of the possibility of “success” and normally immediately are skeptical. Things like, “I’m not good enough to do that” or “we’ve tried that before” come to mind. However, then, “curiosity” is raised leading to a process of “learning”, followed by “excitement” to a point where we need to take some “action”. But, prior to this “action”, we have that critical step of “overcoming fear”.
Assuming a Rascal “overcomes fear”, they immediately transition into action which enters the “Productivity Loop” and progress is seen. However, our experience is that many don’t “overcome fear” which leads to “inaction, becoming paralyzed and frustrated” to a point where they meet the “Fork In The Road”.
You see, it’s not the initial lack of overcoming fear that diminishes our dreams or picture of success, it’s at the “Fork In The Road” that most experience the “make it or break it” decision. Will we “wimp out” or, as “Rascals”, will we reengage in our dream and press on to a point where we find ourselves in the productivity loop and having the experience of “Being In ‘The Zone”!”
Brady states: “‘The Zone’ is a concept that describes a peak performer in a moment all their own, where they are doing exactly what God built them to do, to the best of their ability, with all of their faculties aligned and intensely focused.” It’s that point at which we’re hitting on all cylinders and seem invincible. I’m sure you have experienced it at points in your life.
So, how are you and your team with being “Rascals” and operating in “The Zone”? What’s your “rascalinity” score?
It’s our experience, which Brady also comments, that most need a coach or mentor to continually stay in the Productivity Loop. He states that this coach or mentor should “have fruit on the tree” and not just “academic knowledge” for aiding in Rascal development. For this reason, we mentor with those who “have fruit on the tree” and provide the same for our clients. Would you like to further discuss? Click here to email.
Dare to be a Rascal and have a FANTASTIC day!
Best regards,
P.S. For more blogs on fear, click here.
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