What is holding you back?

In a recent workshop, Ray Hilbert, CEO/Co-Founder Truth@Work, discussed what holds businesses and individuals back,


Ray further pointed out the 7 Impacts of Fear On The Christian Business Owner

1. Fear Replaces Faith
2. Fear Destroys Dreams
3. Fear Steals Our Joy and Blessings
4. Fear Spoils Victories
5. Fear Paralyzes Us
6. Fear Robs Us of Memories
7. Fear Causes Us to Hesitate Because of Disbelief

Within a biblical context, Ray also notes that the Bible says “fear not” 365 times. Is that once for every day of the year?

While presented in a biblical context, we challenge you to give this thought regardless of your biblical beliefs. With this past year’s economy, are you or your organization being held back? If so, we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss and look for ways to go beyond these fears.

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